Notes: This skin tries to look like Windows Media Player v11 as much as possible. Some usability enhancements are made that are not available in WMP11 itself.
Download WMP11

Notes: This skin is inspired by the Zune Media Player and has a definite 'Zune' theme. Thanks go to gege who designed the Micro Player.
Downlaod ZuneSkin
Small player version: Download #2
5th Gen

Notes: This is an alpha release - the skin now is still unfinished, and gege and I still have a long "To Do" list, but we would like to hear as many opinions as we can on what you like and what you think needs to be improved. This skin is authored by gege and nohitter151 - gege is providing the image resources while nohitter151 codes the skin. Special thanks from both gege and nohitter151 to Morten who has helped us improve the skin already.
Download 5th Gen
Download MiPod
iTunes 7

Notes: This skin tries to look like ITunes v7 as much as possible. Some usability enhancements are made that are not available in ITunes7 itself.
Download iTunes 7
Red Bruise

Download Monkey11
nu folosesc, nu mai bun e Winamp ? simplu si bun
frumusele :)
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